She is just always going nonstop! She retired about a year ago and I think it was the best thing ever for her! Yes she was a great teacher, for like 30 years (mostly special ed.) but she deserved to retire. She is a woman that can just go an go and go. Now that she is retired she can up and come see me in Columbia or my brothers in Mississippi and Kentucky. Obviously, Andrew gets to see her the most...WHY??? Well he has the kids which means her grandkids...and man she is obsessed!!! ha I LOVE that she and my dad and just go and see them whenever they please, they both deserve it. My mom has always been the one that does for everyone, always always puts others before herself. She has wore so many hats in her life its just amazing! I can only hope to be like her one day. She is a daughter, wife, mother, friend, teacher, aunt, sister, cousin...and the list goes on! She is the aunt that all her nieces and nephews LOVE!! It's always can we go to Aunt Gayna's house! She always goes to their ball games, band concerts, plays, and anything else they are involved in. You always know she will do whatever for whoever! She is a true inspiration to me and I love her very much! She used to have a license plate that said "The one and only GAYNA" and that is TRUE!!!!! Everyone knows Gayna or Mrs. Taylor!! And I'm glad that I can call her MOMMA!!!
Nana and Poppy
Nana with her kiddos
Mom with her Friend in Honduras!
Mom and her Daughters in Honduras